Are you ready to FINALLY break free from chains of bondage?
No, this is not a cycle you have to endure for many years. The generational curse stops with you!
The devil hoped you'd never reach this point in life, but it's too late for him.
He might as well hang it up, because you are the single point in your bloodline where things begin to TRULY change for the better...
because now you know there's another way...
There's more for you. GREATER than where you are right now.
Today marks the start of the turning point.
You will be able to look back at this moment and say "this is the day it all changed."
Shannon Wells-Boykins NEW 7 Lesson Online Intensive.
This is entry level material to embark on your journey to the Promised Land.
Before total transformation and the Promised Land, there must first be an EXODUS.
EXODUS is more than just "journeying out". It is a decision made within, that when fully decided on...
you reach a turning point. Where when you could have been going down one path, you shift and go down another...the path of LIFE!
Think of EXODUS as the single point on the timeline of your life when things begin to look DRASTICALLY different after one decision.
You may not know it yet, but many people are tied to your decision to EXIT the land of "Egypt" signifying "Bondage".
People you haven't even met yet...
Topics Include: Facing Reality. How Did You Get Here. The Letter. Self Awareness. Prayer and Affirmations. The Authentication Process. From Victim to Victor. Breaking the Yoke of Bondage. Let Go and Let God.
Come spend 7 weeks with Shannon Wells-Boykins
It's FINALLY time to make your EXIT. This is the turning point for you.
Learn how to receive light in places that have been hidden into darkness for way too long and go from a place of powerlessness powerful.
This is a 7 lesson intensive happening on Zoom. You will have lifetime access to all the replays.
Classes start on May 20, 2024.